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leading clients and the practice forward

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Tax & Accounting Office Haeon개인정보 취급방침

Making a difference by leading clients and practices forward

Representative number +82 2-2039-1571

개인정보 취급방침

This in translated version. If there is any difference in interpretation, the Korean version prevail over this translated version.

The Korean version

Tax & Accounting Haeon(hereinafter referred to as the "Office") hereby establishes and discloses the following Personal Information Processing Policy in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act to protect the personal information of data subjects and to promptly and smoothly handle related grievances.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

The items of personal information collected by the Office and the purposes for which they are used are as follows:

① When signing up for online membership

a) Purpose of collection and use: Provision of membership services

b) Items collected  

[General sign-up] Email, password, phone number

[Sign-up with Facebook account] Email, name (nickname), age range, gender

[Sign-up with Kakao account] Email, age range, gender, nickname, date of birth  

[Sign-up with Naver account] Email, age range, gender, nickname, date of birth

② When requesting consultation  

a) Purpose of collection and use: Provision of consultation services

b) Items collected

Name, phone number, KakaoTalk ID, WeChat ID, email address.

Except for the name, only one of the other information items is required, and the input of the remaining items is optional.

2. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

Unless there is an obligation to retain personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, personal information of data subjects will be retained and used in principle until the purpose of processing the personal information is achieved, and will be destroyed without delay once the purpose is achieved. However, the retention and use period for achieving the processing purpose shall not exceed three years from the date of collection.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Office does not provide personal information to third parties.

4. Destruction of Personal Information

① The Office will promptly destroy personal information when the purpose of processing the personal information has been achieved or when the personal information is no longer required.

② If the Office is required to retain personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the personal information or personal information file will be stored and managed separately from other personal information.

③ The Office will select personal information for which grounds for destruction have arisen and destroy the personal information after obtaining approval from the personal information protection officer.

④ If the personal information to be destroyed is in the form of an electronic file, the Office will permanently delete it using a method that makes it impossible to recover, and if it is in the form of records, printouts, written documents, or other recording media, it will be shredded or incinerated.

5. Gathering Opinions and Handling Complaints

① Data subjects may inquire about matters related to personal information protection, complaint handling, and damage relief with the personal information protection officer or the department in charge below. The Office will provide prompt and sufficient answers to inquiries from data subjects.

Personal Information Protection Officer

Officer: Hyunmin Chang


6. Changes to the Personal Information Processing Policy

The Office's Personal Information Processing Policy may be modified in accordance with relevant laws, guidelines, and internal regulations of the Office. If the Personal Information Processing Policy is changed, it will be disclosed in the manner prescribed by relevant laws.

This Personal Information Processing Policy shall be effective from January 1, 2024.